Ipsen Mesh Belt Continuous Gas Furnace Ipsen Furnace

Occasion furnaces (second hand)

» L�nea para tratamiento t�rmico tornillos completa (Temple y Carbonitruraci�n)/ Complete line for heat treatment bolts (Quenching and Carbonitriding) Pr19291

Fabricante/Manufacture: SIB A�o fabricaci�n/Year manufacture: 2004 Ancho cinta/Belt width: 600 mm Calentamiento a gas/Gas heated Equipos de la l�nea/Line equipments: 1. Automatic feeder 2. Pre-washer machine 3. Hardening furnace with casting belt (Temple/Carbonitruraci�n) 4. Oil quenching tank 5. Washing machine 6. Mesh belt temper furnace 7. And static temper furnace 8. Others: Endo gas generator and methanol pump available Situada en Espa�a/ Located in Spain Est� instalada y se puede visitar / It's installed and it could be visited

» Horno continuo por cinta para Sinterizado MAHLE / Continuous furnace for sintering MAHLE ref Pr20183

Fabricante/Manufacturer: Mahle Tipo horno/furnace type DLMEE 450/100/3000-5250 A�o/ year: 1998 Ancho cinta/width belt: 450 mm Potencia/Power: 259kW Calentamiento el�ctrico mediante Resistencias /Heated by electrical heaters Robot para c�rga autom�tica/Robot for automatic feeder La instalaci�n est� trabajando /The installation is working Se parar� fa finales de Diciembre 2020/ It would be stoped at the end of December 2020. Hay m�s fotos y documentaci�n disponible/There is more pictures and documentation available. La instalaci�n se puede visitar en Espa�a/ It could be visited in Spain after arrange a visit.

» Horno el�ctrico Ta max 300C 60kW - Ref Pr16298 Low temperature furnace 300C

Temperatura m�xima trabajo 300C Potencia 60 kW Medidas interiores �tiles: 1600 x 1600 x 1600 mm Con ventilaci�n forzada Carros carga y descarga Disponible toda la documentaci�n. Muy poco uso///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Max working Ta 300C Power 60 kW Useful inner measures: 1600 x 1600 x 1600 mm Forced atmosphere Load and unload car Full documentation Low use

» Pr13037 Oportunidad: Horno de bandeja shaker Ipsen NUEVO! / Opportunity: NEW Ipsen shaker furnace!!

Fabricante: Ipsen Tipo de tratamiento: Temple (autenizaci�n + temple aceite) Calentamiento: gas natural Gas de enrequecimiento: gas natural Sistema combusti�n: quemadores autorecuperativos Potencia instalada: 55 kWA Temperatura trabajo: 700�C (1a Zona) - 925�C (2a Zona) Dimensiones �tiles mesa vibraci�n: 540 mm ancho x 3460 mm largo x aprox 130 mm altura M�todo temple: aceite Carga: manual mediante tolva Descarga: manual mediante cinta estracci�n aceite La instalaci�n est� NUEVA, no ha llegado a trabajar, s�lo se prob� 2-3 d�as Dispone de toda la documentaci�n / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Opportunity: NEW Ipsen shaker furnace!! Manufactured: Ipsen Heat treatment: Quenching (austening + oil quenching) Heating system: natural gas Enriching gas: natural gas Combustion system: autorecuperative burners Power input: 55 KWA Working temperature: 700�C (1st Zone) - 925�C (2nd Zone) Useful dimension of vibrating trought: width 540 mm x length 3460 mm x high aprox 130 mm Quenching method: oil Load method: manual with a hopper Unloading method: manual with conveyor from oil tank The furnace installation is NEW, do not work, only 2-3 days of test. All documentation is available

» M�quina electroerosi�n ONA / EDM machine ONA Pr20183

M�quina electroerosi�n ONA / EDM machine ONA Utillaje roscas / Thread tooling M�quina en funcionamiento y buen estado / Good working condition Hay m�s fotos y documentaci�n disponible/There is more pictures and documentation available. La instalaci�n se puede visitar en Espa�a/ It could be visited in Spain after arrange a visit.

» Horno Nitruraci�n Gaseosa Alta presi�nde segunda mano ref Pr19046 / second hand Nitriding furnace high pressure ref Pr19046

Main characteristics / Principales caracter�sticas: - Manufacture/ Fabricante: Arrola - Year manufacture/ A�o fabricaci�n: 1987 - Useful measures/ Medidas �tiles: 400x400x600 mm - Gross weight load/ M�ximo peso carga: 200 Kg - Electrical heated / calentamiento el�ctrico - Power/Potencia: 80 kW - Gass pressure /Pressi�n gas NH3/H2: 10 bar abs. - Fine vacuum pump set: 10-1 mbar - Leak rate: 5x10-3 mbar

» Horno continuo por rodillos GH ocasi�n/ Second hand GH roll continuous furnace - ref Pr16019

Fabricante: GH Guinea Hermanos A�o: 2006 Tratamientos: recocido, distensionado, revenido con c�mara enfriamiento. M�xima temperatura: 750C 12 Quemadores gas natural con tubos radiantes Presi�n funcionamiento: 150 gr / cm2 Tensi�n: 400V 50Hz Potencia nom. en kW: 1300 kW Solera horno rodillos Mesa de carga con rodillos + Horno + C�mara de enfriamiento +Puesto de descarga Transferencia a horno y c�mara enfriamiento motorizada M�xima carga Medidas �tiles 2.000 x 5.700 x mm Dispone de documentaci�n Horno trabajando y se puede ir a visitar. //////////////////// Manufacture: GH Guinea Hermanos Year: 2006 Heat treatments: temper, annealing, stress release, cooling chamber Max temperature: 750C 12 gas natural burners with radiant tubes Working pressure: 150 gr / cm2 Tension: 400V 50Hz Power nom. kW: 1300 kW Roll sole furnace Roll table for load + Furnace + Cooling chamber + Unload roll table Motored transfer to each steep. Max load: 24.000 Kg Useful measures: 2.000 x 5.700 x mm Full documentation available The installation is working, and it can be visited.

» Pr13064-07 Instalacion Temple SOLO-209-30/30 / Quenching machine SOLO 209-30-30

- Instalaci�n de temple formado por c�mara austenizaci�n y tanque de aceite. - Elementos: horno campana � unidad de temple por Nitr�geno � horno revenir � tanque aceite temple - Tratamientos: autenizaci�n � temple aceite � temple bajo nitr�geno - revenido - Dimensiones efectivas de carga: di�metro 300 x 300 mm altura - Peso m�ximo carga: 20 Kg - Potencia: 20 kW - Temperatura m�xima trabajo: 1150C - Gas protector: N2 o mezcla de N2 con un m�ximo de 5% H2 ////////////// - Quenching machine for self-hardening and oil quenching - Composition: bell furnace - nitrogen quenching unit - tempering furnace - oil quenching unit - Treatment: hardening - oil quenching - quenching under nitrogen � tempering - Effective load dimensions: Diameter 300 mm*Height 300 mm - Max. loading weight: 20 kg - Power input: 10 kW

» Pr13064-1 Horno de cinta con atm�sfera protectora SOLO 321 de ocasi�n/ Second hand SOLO 321 Belt Furnace under atmosphere

Indicado para soldadura, temple isot�rmico, recocido, sinterizados, oxidaci�n, fusi�n, � / Used for brazing, isothermic quenching, temper, sintering, oxidation, fusion, � Temperatura trabajo 1100�C / Working temperature 1100�C Ancho cinta 70 mm / Width belt 70 mm Potencia 7 Kw / 7kW power

» Horno fusi�n para 1100�C - Four de fusion KP-3 1100�C second hand

Four de fusion KP-3 1100�C Four � creuset amovible pour la fusion ou le maintient en fusion de m�taux non ferreux. Manipulation du creuset � l�aide d�une pince.

» Horno laboratorio 1100C - Borel laboratory furnace second hand

Four de laboratoire 1100�C Four � chambre de laboratoire TL 1100-8

» Retrofiting / Rebuild / Repair / Reconstrucci�n / Reparaci�n

Proycotecme as a furnace maker, if you want, we could give you complete service of: tuning, updating, load, transport, installation / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Proycotecme como fabricante de Hornos se ofrece, si les interesa, para realizar cualquiera de las fases pendientes; puesta a punto, carga, transporte

» Occasion fours � Fours commerce � Fours traitement thermique � Fours industrielles

Occasion fours � Fours commerce � Fours traitement thermique � Fours industrielles � Four trempe � Four revenue � fours de s�chage et fourneaux � Fours a hautes temp�ratures � Four vide � Lave ligne � Chargeurs � Fours mailles - Alliage de nickel cha�nes � Fours pot � Fours puit � Fours verticaux � Fours de transfert � Fours continus � Tubes radiants aciers r�fractaires � R�sistances � Creusets � Br�leur - Panneau de commande � Gas Panneau � Turbine � H�lice � Ventilateurs - Alloy Paniers, cestones et conteneurs � Pi�ces de fonte - R�fractaires

» Occasion furnaces � second hand furnaces � furnace trade � Heat treatment furnaces � Industrial furnaces

Occasion furnaces � second hand furnaces � furnace trade � Heat treatment furnaces � Industrial furnaces � Hardening furnaces � Tempering furnaces � Drying furnaces � Owens- High temperature furnaces � Vacuum furnaces � Dryers � Washing machines � Load cars � Conveyor Belt furnaces � Sinteriring furnaces � Nickel alloy Conveyor Belt � Nickel alloy chains � Pit furnaces � Bath furnaces � Vertical furnaces � Transfer furnaces � Continuous furnaces � Heating furnaces � Nickel alloy and ceramic radiant tubes � Resistances � Crucibles � Burners � Control panel - Electrical panel � Gas panel � Turbine � Fan � Rod and Cast basket � Cast spare parts � Nickel alloy - Refractories

» Hornos de ocasi�n � Hornos de segunda mano � Compra venta de hornos - Horno tratamiento t�rmico - Horno Temple � Horno Revenido � Horno de secado � Horno alta temperatura - Horno vac�o � Estufa � Lava

Hornos de ocasi�n � Hornos de segunda mano � Compra venta de hornos - Horno tratamiento t�rmico - Horno Temple � Horno Revenido � Horno de secado � Horno alta temperatura - Horno vac�o � Estufa � Lavadora � Cargador � Horno de cinta � Horno de sinterizado � Cintas � Cadenas � Horno de pote � Horno de cuba � Horno vertical � Horno transfer � Horno continuo � Horno calentamiento � Tubos radiantes � Resistencias � Crisoles � Quemadores � Cuadro de mando � Cuadro el�ctrico � Panel de gases � Turbinas � Ventiladores � Cestas varilla � Cesta fundici�n � Utillaje fundici�n � Aleaciones de alto n�quel - Refractarios

If you are interested in some furnace, please contact us by phone +34 938 467 984 or email proycotecme@proycotecme.com


Source: https://www.proycotecme.com/modulos/ocasion.php?idioma=3

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