Battle for Dream Island Again Prediction

Episode i

  • 22 contestants chosen
  • Boob tube is the host
  • Teams formed
  • Due west.O.A.H Bunch: Coiny, Pivot, Donut
  • Team No Proper noun: Bomby, Book, Dora, Fries, Firey, Gelatin, Golf Ball, Ice Cube, Needle, Nickel, Puffball, Red, Rocky, Spongy, Teardrop, Match, Pencil, Tennis Ball, Yellow Confront
  • Contest: Tug of state of war
  • W.O.A.H Agglomeration loses

Episode 2

  • Coiny gets a prize: Seeds
  • Eliminated - Donut (He was mean and hated)
  • Coiny forces Teardrop to switch teams and she does
  • Contest: Brand yoylestew
  • Squad No Name loses

Episode 3

  • Puffball gets a prize: Personal speaker box
  • Eliminated - Dora (Doesn't do much apart from speaking Spanish)
  • Coiny threatens to call Needle "Needy" if she doesn't switch teams and she does
  • Contest: Destroy the most bugs
  • Chimera joins equally an unofficial contestant
  • W.O.A.H Bunch loses

Episode 4

  • Teardrop gets a prize: Mitt Powered Recovery Middle
  • Blossom is accidentally recovered by Blood-red
  • Eliminated - Teardrop (I don't know why! It's weird she got the most likes and the most dislikes)
  • Coiny threatens to ignite Bomby if he doesn't switch teams, which scares Bomby into switching teams, and Yellow Face decides to switch when asked by Pin
  • Competition: Build Dream Isle
  • Squad No Name loses

Episode 5

  • Leafy comes to the show and is crushed past a hammer
  • Pin tries to kill Leafy and her pocketknife ends upwardly hit Puffball Speaker Box
  • Firey Speaker Box is the new host
  • Puffball gets a prize: Remove the limbs from a contestant (Puffball chooses Pivot for stabbing her speaker box)
  • Eliminated - Match (She says "like" all the time)
  • Pencil uses the "Elimination Prevention Plan" to prevent Lucifer from landing in the Tiny Loser Chamber
  • Pin makes Nickel join their squad, and Yellow Face up asks Spongy to switch teams and he does
  • Competition: Reach the pinnacle of Yoyle Mount
  • Freesmart gets 1st and W.O.A.H Bunch gets 2d
  • Match and Bubble are found out and sent back to the Tiny Loser Sleeping accommodation
  • Team No Proper noun loses again

Episode six

  • Prediction starts hither
  • Firey gets a prize: A map of Goiky
  • Eliminated - Puffball (She betrayed her team just to go the prize)
  • Pen, Eraser, Blocky and Snowball threaten Firey Speaker Box to allow them join or else they will sue him. Firey Speaker Box lets them join. The four make a new team called "The Cool Bros"
  • Contest: Obstruction Class all over Goiky
  • 1st: Team No Name
  • second: The Cool Bros
  • tertiary: Freesmart
  • West.O.A.H Bunch loses

Episode 7

  • Pin gets a prize: Limbs
  • Eliminated - Bomby (All he does is scream and explode)
  • It turns out this is a double elimination, and then Spongy is also eliminated for beingness fat (every seven episodes, there will exist a double emptying)
  • Journalist kills Firey Speaker Box and takes over the prove
  • Competition: Kill Leafy with a box of markers
  • 1st: West.O.A.H Bunch
  • 2nd: Team No Name
  • 3rd: The Cool Bros
  • Freesmart loses

Episode 8

  • Ruby gets a prize: Primary Recovery Eye (It recovers Woody, Blossom and Leafy who are sent to the Tiny Loser Sleeping accommodation)
  • Eliminated - Water ice Cube (She barely has screentime and reuses her lines)
  • Freesmart and The Cool Bros merge into i squad and rename themselves The Cool Freesmart Bros
  • Competition: Destroy a stone statue
  • 1st: The Cool Freesmart Bros
  • 2nd: W.O.A.H Bunch
  • 3rd: Squad No Proper name

Episode 9

  • Gelatin get a prize: 678 freeze juices
  • Eliminated - Golf Ball (She's funny, but also bossy)
  • Teardrop rejoins (She is the virtually popular out of all the eliminated contestants and she joins The Cool Freesmart Bros)
  • Contest: Stack the most boxes
  • 1st: The Cool Freesmart Bros
  • second: Team No Name
  • 3rd: West.O.A.H Agglomeration

Episode 10

  • Needle gets a prize: 3 footballs
  • Eliminated - Nickel (He's pessimistic and sarcastic)
  • Competition: Staring competition
  • 1st: Team No Name
  • 2nd: W.O.A.H Bunch
  • third: The Cool Freesmart Bros

Episode 11

  • Pen gets a prize: Bottle of rainbow paint
  • Eliminated - Blocky (Both Snowball and Blocky had become nicer only were still unpopular, and people idea Snowball was better)
  • Contest: Truth or Dare
  • 1st: West.O.A.H Bunch
  • second: The Cool Freesmart Bros
  • third: Team No Proper name

Episode 12

  • Rocky gets a prize: Barfing
  • Eliminated - Firey (He already won Season 1)
  • Competition: Detect all of Cherry-red's sisters
  • 1st: The Cool Freesmart Bros
  • 2nd: Team No Proper name
  • 3rd: Due west.O.A.H Bunch

Episode xiii

  • Yellow Face up gets a prize: Choose someone to have amnesty with y'all (He chooses Coiny)
  • Eliminated - Needle (She slaps too much, also Coiny would accept been eliminated, but Yellow Face chose him to have amnesty)
  • Contest: Don't sleep
  • 1st: Team No Proper noun
  • 2nd: Due west.O.A.H Bunch
  • 3rd: The Cool Freesmart Bros

Episode 14

  • Snowball gets a prize: Immunity for yourself (no giving information technology to someone else)
  • Eliminated - Pencil and Eraser (Pencil has become nicer, but is notwithstanding hated, and Snowball got immunity so Eraser was voted out for beingness grumpy and self-centered)
  • No more teams
  • Announcer accidentally eliminates Rocky out of excitement that there are no more teams
  • Bubble joins to supervene upon Rocky
  • Competition: Ladder climbing and Dodgeball
  • Danger Zone: Coiny, Pencil, Snowball, Lawn tennis Ball

Episode 15

  • Tennis Ball gets a prize: Magnet
  • Eliminated - Coiny (He notwithstanding has haters)
  • Contest: Building a sandcastle
  • Danger Zone: Bubble, Fries, Gelatin, Volume

Episode 16

  • Chimera gets a prize: Choose which block is served at Cake at Stake (Yoylecake)
  • Eliminated - Fries (The others are more popular)
  • Competition: Death grade (Instant double emptying)
  • Eliminated - Pivot and Yellow Face (Came last in the contest)
  • Danger Zone: Everyone except Teardrop

Episode 17

  • Volume gets a prize: 55 strands of hair
  • Eliminated - Reddish (She notwithstanding makes mistakes)
  • Contest: Clean up the most trash
  • Danger Zone: Teardrop, Gelatin, Pen

Episode 18

  • No prize (Contestant voting)
  • Who voted for Teardrop: Book, Bubble
  • Who voted for Gelatin: Snowball
  • Who voted for Pen: Tennis Ball
  • Teardrop is eliminated
  • Block joins (I recollect he will get the well-nigh votes if there is a debut)
  • Golf game Ball rejoins (The rejoining competition was examination-taking and she got everything correct)
  • Contest: Tag
  • Danger Zone: Book, Tennis Ball, Cake

Episode xix

  • Tennis Ball gets a prize: Whites of optics
  • Eliminated - Tennis Ball (The voters desire to give Block a chance, so they voted him off)
  • Contest: Racecar racing
  • Danger Zone: Golf Ball, Bubble, Snowball

Episode 20

  • Golf Ball gets a prize: A chunk of flesh
  • Eliminated - Chimera (She is saying "Yoylecake" a lot)
  • No more than points
  • Competition: Mind reading
  • Immunity: Cake and Gelatin

Episode 21

  • Pen gets a prize: four,745 paperclips
  • Eliminated - Golf Ball and Pen (Golf Ball is less bossy, but she rejoined and Pen has get tedious to the viewers)
  • Donut rejoins (He barely beat Coiny in a physics contest)
  • Leafy joins (She would join over Flower and Woody)
  • Contest: Build the tallest atoll
  • Immunity: Leafy (just she gave information technology to Donut)

Episode 22

  • Leafy gets a prize: Give Dream Island back or $i (Leafy gives Dream Island back)
  • Eliminated - Cake (He'southward a debuter)
  • Competition: Memory cards
  • Amnesty: Donut

Episode 23

  • Book gets a prize: Houses for the Final 4 after elimination
  • Eliminated: Leafy (Leafy is squeamish, only I don't think she should get in to the finale once again)
  • Contest: Protect your houses from existence invaded past zombies
  • Immunity: Volume

Episode 24

  • Snowball gets the last prize: Taser
  • Eliminated: Donut (Since there are no diff teams, Donut has become much nicer, but he was the starting time one eliminated)

Episode 25

Finale: Book vs Snowball vs Gelatin

  • tertiary: Snowball (He has become much nicer, merely he is a debuter)
  • second: Gelatin (He is squeamish and funny, merely Volume is more than popular)
  • 1st: Volume (She is smart and likewise funny and deserves to win)

Book lets anybody on Dream Island except Dora, because she would eat the island.

If you read the whole thing, you're awesome!



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