The Only Grammar Book You'll Ever Need: a One-stop Source for Every Writing Assignment

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 · 1,004 ratings  · 52 reviews
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Jenny Baker
The title is wishful thinking. I admit that the title got me. I was expecting to be wowed, but I was quickly disappointed. It's a great introduction for people who know little about grammar, but you'll definitely need other books that are more advanced when you're finished. I'm glad it's available on Kindle Unlimited. I would have been mad if I had paid full price. The title is wishful thinking. I admit that the title got me. I was expecting to be wowed, but I was quickly disappointed. It's a great introduction for people who know little about grammar, but you'll definitely need other books that are more advanced when you're finished. I'm glad it's available on Kindle Unlimited. I would have been mad if I had paid full price. ...more
Feb 09, 2016 rated it did not like it
Recommends it for: no one because the title is fraudulent
I am an ESL writer, and I bought and read this book a few years ago. I found it utterly disappointing and the title a clear fraud.
This may not be the only grammar book you'll ever need; though it should be one of them. Lighthearted in tone and authoritative in advice, it rekindled my latent interest in English grammar. The chapters are organized based on the most important aspects of grammar the author felt needed guidance but the last few chapters failed to capitalize on an almost perfect rendering of the first two-thirds of the book. Also, no exercises at chapter end for a grammar book! Anyways, can be used as a short re This may not be the only grammar book you'll ever need; though it should be one of them. Lighthearted in tone and authoritative in advice, it rekindled my latent interest in English grammar. The chapters are organized based on the most important aspects of grammar the author felt needed guidance but the last few chapters failed to capitalize on an almost perfect rendering of the first two-thirds of the book. Also, no exercises at chapter end for a grammar book! Anyways, can be used as a short reference. ...more
Youssef Elgohary
The book is very informative, and would even be useful for native-English speakers. I learned new stuff, although I thought I used to think I was fluent enough in English. Anyway, I highly recommend this book ; it is worth keeping as a reference.
Richard Derus
Dec 24, 2016 rated it really liked it
Rating: 4* of five

It's so rare to find a book of writing advice that's written readably. This is one. It's easy to use, it's extremely practical, and it's a good value for money. I recommend it for all occasions when a writer has questions about why something about a sentence isn't working.

Rating: 4* of five

It's so rare to find a book of writing advice that's written readably. This is one. It's easy to use, it's extremely practical, and it's a good value for money. I recommend it for all occasions when a writer has questions about why something about a sentence isn't working.

Dec 30, 2015 rated it really liked it
Helpful and informative with regards to all parts of American English, either for people who want to work on their writing skills or to better understand why their favorite authors are so successful.
What is the bane of every English student's life? Well grammar, of course. Knowing the difference between a colon and semi colon, the different parts of speech and the two types of periods (declarative - states a fact and imperative - states a request or a demand) are important things to know if someone wants to get a good grade on something like an upcoming final exam. Well for anyone that does not know when to italicize something versus underlining, the book The Only Grammar Book You'll Ever N What is the bane of every English student's life? Well grammar, of course. Knowing the difference between a colon and semi colon, the different parts of speech and the two types of periods (declarative - states a fact and imperative - states a request or a demand) are important things to know if someone wants to get a good grade on something like an upcoming final exam. Well for anyone that does not know when to italicize something versus underlining, the book The Only Grammar Book You'll Ever Need: A One-Stop Source for Every Writing Assignment by Susan Thurman could just help. It is a compact book that offers a ton of grammar help on even the most obscure grammar questions. It's also not one of those boring textbooks a high school teacher would make you read, it offers exciting examples of each grammar issue. I even found myself reading it in an Applebee's while waiting for my food.

While this may just be a me issue, I often find myself having deep philosophical questions about grammar on the bus at 7am without any cell service. When that happens, I can easily pull out the book from my bag and find the answer to my question about absolute adjectives (adjectives that can't be compared to something else, either it is that adjective or it's not such as the word blank). The small compact nature of the book is a huge help since I see it as a study buddy that wonders with me everywhere without making my bag heavier. Even though it's a great study buddy and essay helper, I do find that the title isn't great. I never like books with such broad claims since I find that they never truly live up to their name and there is absolutely no need for a book to be so cocky (or anything or anyone for that matter but I digress). And I'm also sure that this little book does not carry with it all of the grammar rules for the entire English language which then would negate its title. But for what it is and the purposes I feel most people would use it for, I do enjoy this book.

The Only Grammar Book You'll Ever Need: A One-Stop Source for Every Writing Assignment is a wonderful pal to bring to an English class despite its flaws (which I think just makes it even more like a friend). I really did enjoy this book and found that it brought humor and enjoyment to the serious world of grammar. I would recommend it to fellow bookworms and my dog Eloise since I believe she should get another hobby since her current one of being incredibly adorable isn't very productive. While this book is definitely not perfect, it does provide a lot of help from someone like me, a writing addicted high schooler without a social life.

Sea Caummisar
Aug 27, 2020 rated it really liked it
I won this book in a book giveaway. I would be lying if I said I were perfect and knew everything about grammar. I think that as an author it's good to take in new and old info from time to time. There's nothing wrong with bettering myself. This book covers the basics, and then some more. It is simply written so there is no confusion as to what the author is trying to convey. I really found the part 'Common Complaints from Copyeditors' very interesting. Also, there was a section on rough drafts, I won this book in a book giveaway. I would be lying if I said I were perfect and knew everything about grammar. I think that as an author it's good to take in new and old info from time to time. There's nothing wrong with bettering myself. This book covers the basics, and then some more. It is simply written so there is no confusion as to what the author is trying to convey. I really found the part 'Common Complaints from Copyeditors' very interesting. Also, there was a section on rough drafts, revision, proofing, etc... It really hit home. There's been so many times I write words, and know in my head that it's not what I'm trying to say, but remind myself that it's a rough draft and that it can and will be changed.I'm not sure if it's the only grammar book I will ever need, but it sure is handy and easy enough to flip through if I ever need to. ...more
Mar 12, 2021 rated it it was amazing
Great book. I wish I had found this when I first started learning English
I liked the light tone the author used to communicate information on a topic I find important, and fascinating. The sections I found most interesting and helpful were on commonly confused words and avoiding common errors. The reason for three stars is this is not the only grammar book you'll ever need; far from it. I would've liked more examples on the points being discussed, and there were a few errors/contradictory information scattered throughout the book. I liked the light tone the author used to communicate information on a topic I find important, and fascinating. The sections I found most interesting and helpful were on commonly confused words and avoiding common errors. The reason for three stars is this is not the only grammar book you'll ever need; far from it. I would've liked more examples on the points being discussed, and there were a few errors/contradictory information scattered throughout the book. ...more
Oct 16, 2018 rated it liked it
I think the information discussed was very helpful, however, the delivery and the way the pages are set are incredibly overwhelming.
Everything is kinda dumped in these helpful piles, but it is still overwhelming to take in.
I picked this up almost on a whim because I know my grammar could be better.
I ended up rather skimming and marking pages that I know I'll come back to.
On a positive note, I did end up having a couple of questions answered particularly with some punctuation and parts of spe
I think the information discussed was very helpful, however, the delivery and the way the pages are set are incredibly overwhelming.
Everything is kinda dumped in these helpful piles, but it is still overwhelming to take in.
I picked this up almost on a whim because I know my grammar could be better.
I ended up rather skimming and marking pages that I know I'll come back to.
On a positive note, I did end up having a couple of questions answered particularly with some punctuation and parts of speech.
If you are looking for a concise grammar text to help you, then this is a great resource to have. Definitions are given as well as example sentences to help clarify what has been presented. Ms. Thurman also gives you helpful hints on what part of speech is in the sentence.
What I like the most about this book is that it is really short and concise, it is easy to read and is a good resource to help my grammar skills when writing sentences: clearness, punctuation and more. It includes explanations and examples of sentence construction for better comprehension. It has less than 200 pages so I could read it in less than a week and it helped me construct my personal statement essay.
Ivonne Rovira
It's pretty rare that a book lives up to a title like The Only Grammar Book You'll Ever Need, but Susan Thurman's book does. Is it the best grammar book ever? No, that would be The Deluxe Transitive Vampire: A Handbook of Grammar for the Innocent, the Eager and the Doomed by Karen Elizabeth Gordon, but, in truth, if you didn't have any other grammar guide, you'd be, for the most part, eloquent and error-free.

Now, if there were only a guide to producing good ideas about which to write.

It's pretty rare that a book lives up to a title like The Only Grammar Book You'll Ever Need, but Susan Thurman's book does. Is it the best grammar book ever? No, that would be The Deluxe Transitive Vampire: A Handbook of Grammar for the Innocent, the Eager and the Doomed by Karen Elizabeth Gordon, but, in truth, if you didn't have any other grammar guide, you'd be, for the most part, eloquent and error-free.

Now, if there were only a guide to producing good ideas about which to write.

Sep 06, 2012 rated it liked it
It was okay. It was a grammar book, but it did explain various parts of speech and how to use them fairly well. I don't think there is a way to talk about parts of speech without making it sound like chaos, but in general thumbs up to this book. I'm not sure it's the only grammar book I'll ever need, but it was one that I'm glad I read. It was okay. It was a grammar book, but it did explain various parts of speech and how to use them fairly well. I don't think there is a way to talk about parts of speech without making it sound like chaos, but in general thumbs up to this book. I'm not sure it's the only grammar book I'll ever need, but it was one that I'm glad I read. ...more
Feb 26, 2016 rated it really liked it
I needed another grammar book. But it was great. Grammar book junkies never don't need no more grammar. :D I needed another grammar book. But it was great. Grammar book junkies never don't need no more grammar. :D ...more
May 11, 2016 rated it liked it
Not bad -- although this certainly isn't the only grammar book I'll ever need! There weren't enough examples, and the book contained a number of errors. Not bad -- although this certainly isn't the only grammar book I'll ever need! There weren't enough examples, and the book contained a number of errors. ...more
B. Smith
Mar 16, 2018 rated it it was amazing
I'm by no means an expert grammarist, and will gladly make up words like grammarist all willy-nilly, but after I read The Only Grammar Book You'll Ever Need by Susan Thurman I saw an immediate improvement in my writing. I'm seriously glad I read through it before I decided to publish because I would be wallowing in mortification about my extra-long sentences now.

There might be better grammar books out there and all sorts of free tips and editing software like Grammarly and Ginger (both which I l

I'm by no means an expert grammarist, and will gladly make up words like grammarist all willy-nilly, but after I read The Only Grammar Book You'll Ever Need by Susan Thurman I saw an immediate improvement in my writing. I'm seriously glad I read through it before I decided to publish because I would be wallowing in mortification about my extra-long sentences now.

There might be better grammar books out there and all sorts of free tips and editing software like Grammarly and Ginger (both which I love and use daily), but I highly recommend checking out The Only Grammar Book You'll Ever Need. It's less than 200 pages, has a quick reference guide for all of your grammar needs, links to helpful websites to improve your writing, and - surprise, surprise - it's written well and gets right to the point.

Omar Riaz
May 09, 2019 rated it really liked it
4/5 stars.
So obviously this will not be the only grammar book you'll ever need. Its a very good starting book for the absolute novice or for the kids who are just starting their high school.
The positive thing about the book is its very concise and to the point direct approach. No long stories about where and when some part of speech came into existence or what story is related to what specific term of English language, this books starts right into the lessons and information and just keep on pr
4/5 stars.
So obviously this will not be the only grammar book you'll ever need. Its a very good starting book for the absolute novice or for the kids who are just starting their high school.
The positive thing about the book is its very concise and to the point direct approach. No long stories about where and when some part of speech came into existence or what story is related to what specific term of English language, this books starts right into the lessons and information and just keep on progressing up the ladder step by step, you basic.
Good books for the the beginners, after finish, start with something more advance if you want to learn more. 4/5 stars.
Wofford Jones
Nov 08, 2019 rated it it was amazing
Susan Thurman does an excellent job of explaining all the confusing intricacies of punctuation and grammar. As a writer, I'll admit that I do not know all the rules of English, but I want to better equip myself with the do's and don't's of this crazy language. This is just one step I am taking to become a better writer. There is such a wealth of knowledge within these pages. So, thank you, Susan for taking me to back to school. I will keep this book handy in my writing nook and book bag to refer Susan Thurman does an excellent job of explaining all the confusing intricacies of punctuation and grammar. As a writer, I'll admit that I do not know all the rules of English, but I want to better equip myself with the do's and don't's of this crazy language. This is just one step I am taking to become a better writer. There is such a wealth of knowledge within these pages. So, thank you, Susan for taking me to back to school. I will keep this book handy in my writing nook and book bag to refer back whenever I have a question. Also, I love the title. ...more
R.K. Goff
Mar 02, 2020 rated it really liked it
If you're a writer, this is probably NOT the only grammar book you'll ever need. However, it is a great start and probably all that most non-writers would ever need. I adore the section on Basic Sentence Structure, which is (oddly) missing from many other grammar books. It has all those pesky definitions that you should have learned in middle school, but probably forgot - things like predicates, participles, clauses, phrases, etc. For that chapter alone, I am very glad I bought it. If you're a writer, this is probably NOT the only grammar book you'll ever need. However, it is a great start and probably all that most non-writers would ever need. I adore the section on Basic Sentence Structure, which is (oddly) missing from many other grammar books. It has all those pesky definitions that you should have learned in middle school, but probably forgot - things like predicates, participles, clauses, phrases, etc. For that chapter alone, I am very glad I bought it. ...more
Jul 07, 2019 rated it really liked it
I had a poor learning experience in my high school english classes; The poor experience left me confused with the proper use of: punctuation marks, writing tactics, and definitions. After reading this book, I believe I have expanded my knowledge of grammar and writing; however, I felt that the chapter order could've improved. I had a poor learning experience in my high school english classes; The poor experience left me confused with the proper use of: punctuation marks, writing tactics, and definitions. After reading this book, I believe I have expanded my knowledge of grammar and writing; however, I felt that the chapter order could've improved. ...more
Mike Shukis
Jun 09, 2020 rated it it was amazing
This is a great book if you want to understand the rules of writing. It provides in-depth guidelines on everything that you need to know about writing. It does a great job of explaining things in a way that is easy to understand. I highly recommend this book for anyone who enjoys writing and is trying to improve their writing abilities.
Oct 13, 2018 rated it really liked it
This is a very insightful and helpful review and full of new knowledge too. I wish we'd had this book back in junior high or high school, because it's insights would have made English classes a lot easier to enjoy. This is a very insightful and helpful review and full of new knowledge too. I wish we'd had this book back in junior high or high school, because it's insights would have made English classes a lot easier to enjoy. ...more
Tarek Taha
Dec 29, 2018 rated it really liked it
Truly the only Grammar book most people will ever need. The book is well organized with straight forward language. The examples and rules are write to the point. Very useful reference book to have around.
Stephen Heiner
Dec 31, 2020 rated it really liked it
I was assigned this for a writing class I took recently and while I appreciated the comprehensive review that the book offered, it might have taken a less serious look at itself through a less promising title, something like "Quite possibly the only..." :-) I was assigned this for a writing class I took recently and while I appreciated the comprehensive review that the book offered, it might have taken a less serious look at itself through a less promising title, something like "Quite possibly the only..." :-) ...more
Jun 28, 2017 rated it liked it
The title is definitely a misnomer if you are looking for extensive instructions in grammar. This is probably intended for high school students or foreign language learners, but not for academics.
Morris Yen
May 12, 2018 rated it really liked it
It's an concise introductory grammar book, but you definitely need more than this! It's an concise introductory grammar book, but you definitely need more than this! ...more
Sep 15, 2020 rated it really liked it
Very interesting. Simple and clarifies many rules about grammar and the English language. Easy to read. I often use it as a reference when I get stuck or have a question about the language.

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The Only Grammar Book You'll Ever Need: a One-stop Source for Every Writing Assignment


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