How Often Do You Have to Renew a Cpl License in Michigan

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Please continue to renew at  MSP ONLINE CPL RENEWAL You will need the PIN number from your renewal letter to apply online. You may contact our office via email at or call 517-546-0500 to request a PIN number.  You may also submit a completed CPL renewal application By Mail, with payment, to the MSP CPL Unit, P.O. Box 30634, Lansing, Michigan 48909.

General Information

The MSP CPL portal has recently been experiencing outages that are beyond our control.  We apologize for the inconvenience, but we are unable to process new or renewal CPL applications when the system is down.  Please call us to confirm the MSP/CPL system is up and running, 517-546-0500.

Concealed Pistol License applications are available from the Michigan State Police website, or at the Livingston County Clerk's office, 200 E. Grand River, Howell, MI or PDF IconCPL-FORM 2019. The CPL application is the same for both a new and a renewal. Please fill in the renewal section on the application if you are renewing your CPL. **MSP only accepts the most recent CPL Application which is (04/2019)**

The Michigan State Police (MSP) Concealed Pistol License (CPL) Unit began accepting CPL renewal applications by mail and through an online system on November 1, 2018. Those eligible to renew online will receive a renewal notice through the U.S. mail from the county clerk that issued their CPL containing a PIN. CPL renewal applicants may proceed to submit their renewal application once in receipt of their PIN.

No new CPL Applications will be accepted after 4:30 p.m.

New applicants must complete a Michigan Pistol Safety Training course.

  • Effective October 11, 2017, the County Clerk's Office will only accept Pistol Training Certificates or Safety Program Training Certificates with the original hand written signature of the course instructor. Certificates issued before October 11, 2017, are exempt from this rule.
  • Effective December 1, 2015, an applicant is eligible for a renewal of a CPL License under this section if the license is not expired or has expired within a one year period before the date of application. If the license is expired for more than a year, the law requires that you take a new pistol safety training course and be re-fingerprinted after submitting an application./li>
  • For certificates issued on or after December 1, 2015 the certificate of completion must contain the following information: Instructor's name and telephone number; the name and telephone number of the state agency or national firearms training organization that has certified the instructor; and the instructor's certification number and expiration date of that certification.

Renewal applicants must certify by signing (section II on the application) that he/she has completed at least 3 hours of course review and at least 1 hour of firing range time within the last 6 months.


Submit your completed Concealed Pistol License application (new or renewal), PDF IconCPL packet and app from MSP at the County Clerk's office, in person, along with:

  • A valid driver's license or state ID card with Livingston County address;
  • No photo is needed - we electronically import your Driver's License photo
  • Pistol Safety Training certificate (if applicable);
  • Previous CPL license (if applicable);
  • $115.00 (new or renewal application fee) payable in Cash, Check or Charge (access fee applies to credit/debit cards).

Once you have submitted and paid for a new application, you will be fingerprinted. Fingerprinting is done in our office from 8 am to 4:30 pm. Renewal applicants will receive a receipt when submitting an application but in most instances will not need updated fingerprinting, although a fingerprint check is initiated during the review process.

Fingerprinting is available Monday-Friday, 8 AM to 4:30 PM for New CPL Applications

How Often Do You Have to Renew a Cpl License in Michigan


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